Hi my name is Fusi Fa’avae. I was name after my Grandma who had past away when my mum had given birth to me. I am 12 years old and I was born in New Zealand.
I am Tongan. My parents came from Tonga, but lived in different villages. My dad came from Ma’ufanga and my mum came from Folaha, on the island of Tongatapu.
In school my favourite subjects are, Maths, Art, Music and P.E. I really like learning new things in life and helping others out in their work if they are needed. School for me is a place where I can share my knowledge that I’ve never shared before and not being afraid, because others can help me out in things I'm struggling with and so can the Teachers, they can encourage me through my learning.
In my own time I love to play the piano and ukulele, doing Maths with my cousin, Music and playing Sports. I never liked reading, but what made me read, was the books I was in too. Books I like are Scary books, Funny books, and Nonfiction. Another reason why I read books, is because it helps me understand the word problems in Maths.
My Dislikes
My dislikes are Spiders, Praying Mantis’, and also Clowns which are my biggest fear, but the thing that scares me is a “Molokau”. A molokau is what we called Centipede in Tonga. If you get bitten from one of them, especially a big one, beware, because it will cause swelling and it’s really painful.
My likes
My favourite colour is Purple. I love Spicy food and Sour lollies. YUMMY!. My favourite kind of movies are Horror, Musical, Comedy, and Drama. My favourite sport is Tag, Tennis, Softball, Rugby, Basketball, Volley, and Netball. I play Netball and Volley because it runs through my family. My dad plays volley and my mum plays netball. My mum and my sister plays GS (goal shoot) and passed it on to me, I play GA which is (goal attack).
To me a great day at school is getting along with others, working as a team and having a great day with your class.
When I grow up, I want to be a Doctor or a Musician, and that’s what I'm aiming for.
By Fusi.F